An Interview on “Artificial Intelligence”

2021-02-17T02:05:46+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Age of Pythagoras is Coming to an End, and We Are Entering the Age of Plato... Ayşe Acar: Regarding Artificial Intelligence, one of the most popular topics of discussion is Technological Singularity. This refers to the fear of a super Artificial Intelligence overtaking the world in the future, and ending humanity. This is not what I understand by the term “technological singularity.” I argue that singularity may arise in the internet rather in a super computer. What matters here is network and data. I believe what we will encounter as the future Super Artificial Intelligence is ‘Us’. For example, [...]

The Dogmatic Scientific Attitude

2020-12-21T22:37:10+03:00By |Categories: Einstein’s Theory of Objective Relativity, Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Intellect under Tutelage Science as a Religion Creativity is at an Impasse, as the Age of Communication Provides Access to “Data,” Rather Than to “Knowledge” The Difference between the Enlightened and the Intellectual The Brain also Gets Hungry The Physics of an Age Affects the Forms of the Consciousness of the Age Questioning the Type of Our Consciousness through the Theory of Relativity What is a Reference System? Einstein, Freud, Marx The Importance of Comprehending the Phenomenon of Process in Restructuring Consciousness The Difficulty of Comprehending the Relativity of [...]

Is “Enlightenment” Possible Without Understanding the Paradigm-Shifting Theory of Relativity?

2021-09-13T19:00:23+03:00By |Categories: Einstein’s Theory of Objective Relativity, Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As Times Change, So Do the Contents of Concepts Kant's Distinction between Phenomena and Noumena The East Started But Failed to Complete; the West Went Slow and Steady What is Not Related is Not Defined The Theory of Objective Relativity is the Most Revolutionary Theory of Our Age Another Look at Kant’s Phenomena through This Understanding How Did Hegel Overcome the Dilemma? From Contradiction to Relation: Relatio, Religare, Relativity Knowing Means Knowing the Transformation of a Thing For Enlightenment, We Must Update the Method of Logic We Use The [...]

An Important Barrier to Making Conscious Use of Consciousness: The Religion of Science

2021-09-13T15:50:34+03:00By |Categories: Einstein’s Theory of Objective Relativity, Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Doing Philosophy on the Basis of Physics Theories Is There Certainty in Science? Does Enlightenment Flow from Society to Individual? Changing the Habits That Organize Consciousness Facing Up to the Dogma of Scientific Religion The Difference between Faith and Belief The Intellectual Impasse that Hegel Resolved Types of Reason According to How They Are Used The Use of Consciousness to Make Designs Does Not Employ Reason Doing Philosophy on the Basis of Physics Theories We are going to talk about the relativity of simultaneity, the [...]


2020-11-08T19:26:14+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

“Art emerges and develops where there is a yearning for the ideal,” says A. Tarkovsky, and adds, “Art is a symbol of this world that is intertwined with the spiritual reality hidden from us by a utilitarian practice.” Even though the idea is a highly controversial concept, the idea in terms of art represents, at its most basic, “unity” and “integrity.” It expresses the “common essence” or “common form” that holds what is different together. The work of art is at one with its essence; it is unique and original. Artistic endeavor is found in all cultures, from the earliest periods [...]

On the Science of Art

2020-07-18T18:40:15+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Until Immanuel Kant –with the possible exception of Aristotle in antiquity– art was mostly described as an awe-inspiring product of imagination that bypasses the reason, and treated this way in the literature. After Kant, however, Hegel in particular said –along with his criticism of Kant– “No, art is not merely a product of our imagination.” Imagination can create certain products by taking inputs from the objects in the outside world and processing them in a cinematographic manner –as in dreams– but we also use our reason, the faculty said to be bypassed in this whole process, to make judgments [...]

The Problem of Communication

2020-07-16T00:36:54+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As is well known, communication is a relationship in which messages are conveyed between two sources. If the messages flow only in one direction, no communication takes place. Feedback is a must for communication. Today, the word “communication” has mostly technological connotations. When we hear the word communication, we think of radio, television, newspapers, phones, computers, the Internet, and the like, and this technological dimension means that information can today flow between countries, nations and individuals in an unrestrained way, crossing borders freely. Communication provides the infrastructure for interaction, but is commonly used in a sense that covers interaction [...]

People Are Born Thrice

2020-07-16T00:34:35+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The first birth is surrounded by the “cultural setting”; the second birth is into “education”, when the person is shaped via pedagogical, psychological and scientific methods; and the third birth is when a person “gives birth to themselves”, referring to time when one can shape one’s own life through one’s own free will. When we are born, we enter the world with nothing but genetic features, abilities and natural tendencies. We start to become shaped by the references of the cultural setting into which we are born. We cannot choose our parents, race, religion, locality or history; in short, [...]

The Ethical Human as a Value-Generating Being

2020-07-16T00:19:14+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Humans are defined in many different ways, and these definitions carry the marks of various disciplines. Among these, “Humans are value-generating beings” would be a prominent definition in terms of the “discipline of ethics”. Of course, humans cannot be reduced to this, in that they are more than mere value-generating beings, just as they are more than human beings involved in “thought, action, morality, willpower, society, labour”, etc. Every reduction stems from some sort of abstraction, and the different human definitions, as products of abstractions created by various disciplines within their own contexts, simply emphasize one or another aspect [...]

Look At That Word and All That It Does!

2020-07-16T00:12:41+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

In their relations with themselves and with their environment, people act consciously, and this consciousness extends both to the environment and to control. This separates people qualitatively from animals, as the closest relations to humans among all natural creatures. Animals are also conscious of their environment, but in a passive manner, while people, on the other hand, are not only conscious of their environment, but are also conscious of themselves. As the only creatures with self-awareness, humans are the sole real subjects in nature. “Animals are directly identical with their own life activity; they cannot distinguish themselves from their [...]

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