The Concept of Feminine Principle in the Hajj Ritual

2020-07-02T21:12:40+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Going back to the source in the terminology of Tasawwuf (theosophy/sufism), we find the feminine principle; the mother. In the Arabic language, umm means “mother” and ummah means “children” (ewlâd). The concepts of umm, ummah, and ummî derive from one another. Although it is used in the singular form, ewlâd is a plural word and means “unity in purity”. If people are one in purity, they are an ummah; however, if they have not attained unity in purity, it means they are not an ummah yet. Umm is a significant concept in the ritual of Hajj (pilgrimage) and is [...]

Anatolia, Ashura and Sohbet

2020-07-01T18:57:59+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The efforts that I have put into studying the wisdom of Anatolia are not restricted to a geographical region; these are studies which I usually refer to as the Wisdom of Anatolia or the Ancient Wisdom to stress the importance of it on the intersection point of Anatolian lands. I prefer to focus on portraying the great culture and the vastness this culture entails, because the wisdom I am talking about is not something that can exist entirely within a limited geographical area. *** Anatolia is called as the cradle of culture. According to ancient records, Anatolia, with its [...]

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