The Concept of Feminine Principle in the Hajj Ritual

2020-07-02T21:12:40+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Going back to the source in the terminology of Tasawwuf (theosophy/sufism), we find the feminine principle; the mother. In the Arabic language, umm means “mother” and ummah means “children” (ewlâd). The concepts of umm, ummah, and ummî derive from one another. Although it is used in the singular form, ewlâd is a plural word and means “unity in purity”. If people are one in purity, they are an ummah; however, if they have not attained unity in purity, it means they are not an ummah yet. Umm is a significant concept in the ritual of Hajj (pilgrimage) and is [...]

Jerusalem: The Heart of the World – Part 2

2020-07-01T19:12:02+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

When we were in Jerusalem, we wanted to go into Qubbet’us Sahra, the building with the golden dome, where Prophet Muhammad ascended to miraj and the Muallaq Stone is kept, but the attitudes of the guards there were displeasing. They treated the visitors very rudely and scolded them angrily. They urged people to recite the kalima shahadah or a verse from the Quran. They said if they did not recite it, they would not be allowed to go in. These were really offensive and not pleasant at all. I say that the heart of the world is Jerusalem, but [...]

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