Anatolian Enlightenment and the Republic – Part 1

2021-01-06T23:28:59+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Following the age of Enlightenment, following the movements of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, the individual and individualism gained significant ground in the European world. The problematic of individualism was balanced by socialism, and the individual, or being an individual served as the main principle of permanent modernity. The three basic principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity were born out of the Enlightenment, and their reflection in society, their reception by society –although nothing short of a revolution– was also the result of a historical background. My principle when it comes to understanding the relationship between theory and society is [...]

Reason, Conscience and Courage in Civilization

2020-10-01T15:34:48+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

There are two basic worldviews, two languages in the world: one is the language of the Eastern civilization with Sanskrit roots, and the other is the language of the Western civilization with Ancient Egyptian roots. Further divisions are within these two basic worldviews. The term Indo-European languages points both to the connections between the two civilizations due to Alexander’s conquests and the Silk Road, and the differences between them. Egypt had a Hermetic-esoteric and closed system that revealed knowledge, attitudes, states, and experiences to its students and followers only, through initiation, but concealed it from the outside. We can assume [...]

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