Comparative Eastern and Western Aesthetics

2021-09-13T16:05:26+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Distinction between Aesthetics and Fine Art What Did Hegel Mean When He Said “Art Is a Thing of the Past”? Evolution of Craft into Art A Work of Art Can Be Critiqued by a Critic Trained in Aesthetics The Historical Development of Systematic Philosophy Why Is It Assumed That Philosophy First Began in Greece? Philosophy Is an Evolution from Mythos to Logos The Relationship between Imagination and Art There Can Be No Ethics Without Aesthetics! The Distinction between Aesthetics and Fine Art People confuse [...]

An Interview on “Artificial Intelligence”

2021-02-17T02:05:46+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Age of Pythagoras is Coming to an End, and We Are Entering the Age of Plato... Ayşe Acar: Regarding Artificial Intelligence, one of the most popular topics of discussion is Technological Singularity. This refers to the fear of a super Artificial Intelligence overtaking the world in the future, and ending humanity. This is not what I understand by the term “technological singularity.” I argue that singularity may arise in the internet rather in a super computer. What matters here is network and data. I believe what we will encounter as the future Super Artificial Intelligence is ‘Us’. For example, [...]

It Is No Longer Possible to Practice Philosophy without Physics or Physics without Philosophy

2020-12-22T00:35:16+03:00By |Categories: Einstein’s Theory of Objective Relativity, Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

The Impossibility of Asking “What Is Empty Space?” Understanding That We Don’t Know and Cannot Think Is Transcendental God a Non-Comprehensible God? The Difference between the Topics of Philosophy and the Subject Matter of Philosophy The Necessity of Creating Ether for a Universe Devoid of a Physical Foundation Being Determined by the Opposite Is a Reference System Based on Our Senses is Sufficient to Generate Knowledge? Non-Abstract Thinking Cannot Arrive at the Idea of a Transcendent God The Impossibility of Asking “What Is Empty Space?”Two issues that [...]

The Dogmatic Scientific Attitude

2020-12-21T22:37:10+03:00By |Categories: Einstein’s Theory of Objective Relativity, Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Intellect under Tutelage Science as a Religion Creativity is at an Impasse, as the Age of Communication Provides Access to “Data,” Rather Than to “Knowledge” The Difference between the Enlightened and the Intellectual The Brain also Gets Hungry The Physics of an Age Affects the Forms of the Consciousness of the Age Questioning the Type of Our Consciousness through the Theory of Relativity What is a Reference System? Einstein, Freud, Marx The Importance of Comprehending the Phenomenon of Process in Restructuring Consciousness The Difficulty of Comprehending the Relativity of [...]


2020-11-08T22:32:43+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Philosophy in ancient Greece acquired a systematic unity with Aristotle. A logical method was adopted to unite different disciplines. With Aristotle, philosophy gained a rational narrative through prose with logical and substantive consistency. Philosophers prior to Aristotle, pre-Socratics in particular, expressed philosophy in the form of poetry. Aristotle’s philosophy was a philosophy of solid objects; it carried the status of spatial objects “here and now” to rational concept by way of the union between their substantial and accidental qualities. In ancient Greece, the perception of time was rhythmic; past and future tenses were not used to express reality. The Ancient [...]

About Art

2020-11-08T19:41:15+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Modern civilization is built on four foundations: Sports, Science, Art, and Philosophy. Sports deals with the discipline of movement, Science with concepts and terminology specific to science, Art with images, and Philosophy with concepts. Artistic endeavor has existed in all cultures since the earliest periods in history, but art gained self-consciousness in Ancient Greece. This was no accident because Ancient Greece was also where people gained consciousness of philosophy, or of their own thoughts. Andrey Tarkovski “Art emerges and develops where there is a yearning for the ideal,” says A. Tarkovsky, and adds, “Art is a symbol of this [...]

On the Science of Art

2020-07-18T18:40:15+03:00By |Categories: Transcripts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Until Immanuel Kant –with the possible exception of Aristotle in antiquity– art was mostly described as an awe-inspiring product of imagination that bypasses the reason, and treated this way in the literature. After Kant, however, Hegel in particular said –along with his criticism of Kant– “No, art is not merely a product of our imagination.” Imagination can create certain products by taking inputs from the objects in the outside world and processing them in a cinematographic manner –as in dreams– but we also use our reason, the faculty said to be bypassed in this whole process, to make judgments [...]


2020-07-16T00:40:06+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

From Plato to this day, what leads people to philosophize is that they view themselves as in-between. People are stranded between nature that surrounds them and infinity (God) that transcends them. Ever since Plato and Aristotle, this in-betweenness has always been an object of wonder and curiosity. This curiosity is about objects, facts, events, and the riddle of the universe, but it is also felt regarding the inner world of humans. All attempts to provide solutions throughout the history of philosophy, whether positive or negative, have aimed to comprehend this state of in-betweenness. Many philosophical arguments have been put [...]

The Problem of Communication

2020-07-16T00:36:54+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As is well known, communication is a relationship in which messages are conveyed between two sources. If the messages flow only in one direction, no communication takes place. Feedback is a must for communication. Today, the word “communication” has mostly technological connotations. When we hear the word communication, we think of radio, television, newspapers, phones, computers, the Internet, and the like, and this technological dimension means that information can today flow between countries, nations and individuals in an unrestrained way, crossing borders freely. Communication provides the infrastructure for interaction, but is commonly used in a sense that covers interaction [...]

The Problem of Method

2020-07-17T00:28:22+03:00By |Categories: Essays|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In its most general usage, “method” refers to the procedure and technique used to carry out a task, to obtain and implement knowledge, and to evaluate results. Method is the term Western civilizations use to refer to such procedures. In Ancient Greece, the word kanon meant “example” and “method”, and was translated from Greek to Arabic as qanun, meaning rules and principles. I. Kant, the famous German thinker from the Enlightenment, defined kanon as “the sum total of the a priori principles of the correct use of certain cognitive faculties in general.” When it comes to method, further questions [...]

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